Often referred to as Pay Per Click (PPC) or Google AdWords, Search engine marketing (SEM) is probably the easiest tactic used in reaching out to ready buyers within Google search result page. It allows businesses to appear in a favourable position whenever people are searching for their services or product. However, leveraging on paid search media is not as straightforward as it seems. It doesn’t support the buyers’ commitment stage. In fact, Paid media supports the entire buyer journey from research, to consideration and to commitment. A well executed campaign will aid businesses in delivering the right ad in the right place, in the right stage, and at the right time while a poorly managed campaign can result in a disappointingly low to zero ROI.
At Craft, we are skilled at running SEM campaigns with keyword management strategy that excels, and also ones that have profitable ROI within your budget. We help your brand to rank higher through creative messages and strategies, so staying ahead of your competition has never been this smooth-sailing.
Monday to Friday
10AM – 7PM, except public holidays
Monday to Friday
10AM – 7PM, except public holidays
33 Ubi Avenue #01-29
Singapore 408868.
D-07-02 Empire Damansara
Jalan PJU 8/8A Damansara Perdana
47820 Petaling Jaya Selangor.